Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal data is information that identifies you, such as your name, e-mail or postal addresses. Ariadne Athens does not collect personal data from you except when you specifically provide such data (e.g. when subscribing to e-mail newsletters, taking part in a survey, competition or sweepstake, ordering samples or brochures, or requesting for information) and consent to its use.

To facilitate the use of our website, we are using “cookies”. Cookies are small units of data stored on the hard drive of your computer by your browser that are necessary for using our website. We use cookies to better understand how our website is used and to allow improved navigation. Cookies help us determine, for example, whether a page on our website has already been viewed. Cookies may also tell us whether you have visited our website before or whether you are a new visitor. The cookies we use do not store any personal data or otherwise collect personally-identifiable information. If you do not wish to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser to erase all cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block all cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is stored.

We store, use, or transfer your personal data only accordingly to your consent and to the extent – with respect to content and time – needed in each specific case, e.g. to respond to your questions or concerns, to fulfill your requests or to inform you about the results of a competition or sweepstake.

In order to do this, it may be necessary for Ariadne Athens to transfer personal data to external service providers for further data processing. Service providers may, for example, be commissioned in the context of shipping goods, distributing advertising material or in the scope of competitions. Ariadne Athens requires that these parties agree to process personal data based on our instructions and in compliance with this data protection notice.

We do not engage in collecting personal data of children. If we become aware that such data has been communicated to us without the children’s parents’ or other legal guardian’s consent, we will attempt to delete it without delay. In doing so, we shall be bound by corresponding instructions from you in your capacity as parents or legal guardians.

Ariadne Athens guarantees that it will not sell or lease your personal data to a third party. We may, however, have to disclose information about you if we are required to do so by law or in response to enforceable governmental requests.

We have implemented technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss, modification, theft or access by unauthorized third parties. You may withdraw your consent to use your personal data completely or partly at any time with future effect. We will erase your data upon receipt of the withdrawal. Please send your withdrawal to us using electronic contact form or by contacting the representative.

To make any transaction through our online shop, such as ordering certain products, we will request your personal data which may not be disclosed by our Company. When you place an order, we will ask for your full name, the address where the products will be sent, the number of your landline and mobile phone and your email address.

This information is processed by the company in compliance with the law Article 7A par. 1 (b) N. 2472/1997, in order to implement the order given by the customer, and it will not be disclosed in any way, published or sold to third parties unless there is court order for declassification, as defined by the legislation (N. 2225/1994) or there are any obligations imposed by the implementation of Directive 24/2006.

Non - Personally Identifiable Information

When you visit, with the help of our third party authorized agents, we collect certain anonymous information about your visit. For example, we may monitor statistics such as the number of people that visit our site, peak hours of visits, which page(s) are visited on our site, from which domain our visitors come (e.g.,,, etc.), and which browsers people use to visit our site (e.g., Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.), broad geographical information, site-navigation pattern, etc. We, like many websites, use cookie technology throughout our side. By placing a “cookie” on your computer’s hard drive we can recognize you as a new or return user and personalize your experience.

A cookie is a piece of data stored on your computer’s hard drive that enables us to track and target your shopping experience and order as you shop on our site. For example, cookies are used to save your Shopping Bag information so you can browse from page to page without losing that information. If you reject our cookies, you may still use, but you may be limited in some of the features. Cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Furthermore, our computer servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website.

These server logs may include information such as the date and time of your access to the Site, the length of time of your visit, the portions of the Site accessed, the number of times you visit and purchase from the Site, the IP address assigned to your computer, the type of browser used by your computer, the domain from which your connection to the Site originates, external site shopping habits, web-browsing activity and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your computer.

We assign you a unique internal identifier to help keep track of your future visits. We use this information to gather aggregate demographic information about our visitors, and we use it to personalize the information you see on the Site and the e-mails you receive from us (should you grant us permission to send e-mails to you).

We keep this information for our internal use; we do not share it with others. This information is in no way tied to your personal information, including your e-mail address. We may also use non-personal identifiable information for internal business and marketing purposes and to help administer and improve for your shopping experience.

We may use the information you provide in aggregate form for internal business purposes to analyze trends and site traffic patterns. When you visit or view one of our emails, we will use pixel tags or “clear” gifs to track links and/or similar technology to note some of the pages you visit on our website and to personalize your experience. We also use pixel tags to determine what types of email your browser supports.

We may use the information collected through pixel tag, tracking links, and similar technology in combination with your personally identifiable information.
We may anonymously track your browsing activity for advertising and data collection purposes. Tatcha and third-party vendors use first-party cookies or other first-party identifiers. Users can opt-out of the Google Analytics Advertising Features you use, including through Ads Settings, Ad Settings for mobile apps, or any other available means.

Contests, Surveys ans Promotions Fall Under This Policy Too

From time to time, Ariadne Athens may offer you the opportunity to participate in contests, giveaways and other promotions. Any information submitted in connection with such activities will be treated in accordance with this Privacy and Security Policy, except as specifically set forth in the rules for those contests, giveaways or promotions.

From time to time, Ariadne Athens may also ask you to participate in surveys designed to help Ariadne Athens improve the Site. Any personal information provided to Ariadne Athens in connection with any survey will be used only in relation to that survey and as elsewhere set forth in this Policy.


Any suggestions, ideas, inquiries, feedback or other information you provide us with (collectively “submissions”) will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential. Subject to the terms of the privacy policy, you hereby grant us full ownership of the submission, to use in any way we see fit.

Copyrights, Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property Rights

All content on our website including but not limited to texts, images, graphics and audio or video files are property of Ariadni Sigala Diamanti unless the contrary is explicitly stated. This copyrighted content may only be used without expressive permission for private and not for public or commercial use (downloads, reproductions etc). Changes to, translations of, or other editing or processing of the content may only be made with the prior written permission.

The unauthorized use or misuse of any registered trademarks or logos is not permitted.

Please note that any infringement of our copyright or other intellectual property rights may have civil law and/or criminal law consequences.

Disclaimer of Liability

This website is designed to provide general information and in no way replaces medical or professional advice. For such advice, please contact a physician or specialist of your choice. Ariadne Athens does not assume any liability for actions taken on the basis of the information contained in this website.

Every care was taken in the compilation and validation of the information contained on this website. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any responsibility for its topicality, accuracy, completeness and/or quality.

This website contains hyperlinks to websites from other providers. Ariadne Athens is not aware of the content of third-party websites and assumes no warranty or liability for any illegal content or other legal infringements on third-party websites. However, Ariadne Athens will promptly remove any link or content upon becoming positively aware that it violates applicable laws.

Use of this website and downloading of data is at the user’s own risk. Ariadne Athens does not assume any liability for any damage, in particular to data files, hardware and/or software of the user, arising as a result of such an action. The responsibility for deliberate intention and gross negligence remain unaffected.